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We keep personal information such as your name and address together with details of your care, to ensure that our doctors and nurses have accurate and up to date information. This information is available to all of the clinicians working at Lane End Surgery, ensuring that regardless of who you see they will all have access to your details.

Most of our patient information is held on computer and is only available to authorised users. All personal information is confidential and the consent of individual patients is generally needed before it can be given to anyone else. Sometimes, we may need to share information with other professionals involved in your care, but they also have a legal duty to keep it confidential.

Everyone working in the NHS has a legal duty to maintain the confidentiality of patient information. Lane End Surgery takes this very seriously. All staff are required to sign a confidentiality code of conduct when they start work at the practice.

An information leaflet is available which explains what information we collect and how it is used.

Patient information leaflet  

Please note we are unable to discuss your care with family members, carers etc without your permission.

If you think it would be helpful for someone else (i.e. family member, friend, carer) to be able to contact the practice on your behalf this can be arranged. The consent form is available at the practice or by clicking on the link below.The form must be completed, signed and returned to the practice. A message will then be added to your records giving permission for information to be shared in line with your instructions.

Consent Form

eConsult - important notice

Please see the information below before submitting an eConsult

eConsults can not be accepted for mental health problems.
Please contact the surgery on 266 5246 to make an appointment.

Fit Note requests can only be accepted via eConsult for problems already discussed with a clinician. If it is a new period of sickness and you have not seen or discussed this with a clinician, please contact the surgery on 266 5246 to make an appointment.

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